Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR Projects with Industrials

  • SAPHIR-II (Sécurité et Analyse des Primitives de Hachage Innovantes et Récentes)

       Security and analysis of innovating and recent hashing primitives.

    Participants : Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Jiqiang Lu, Christian Rechberger.

    From April 2009 to March 2013.

    Partners: France Telecom R&D, Gemalto, EADS, SAGEM, DCSSI, Cryptolog, INRIA/Secret, UVSQ, XLIM, CryptoExperts.

  • PACE: Pairings and Advances in Cryptology for E-cash.

    Participants : Olivier Blazy, Pierre-Alain Fouque, David Pointcheval, Mehdi Tibouchi, Damien Vergnaud.

    From December 2007 to February 2012.

    Partners: France Telecom R&D, NXP, Gemalto, CNRS/LIX (INRIA/TANC), Univ. Caen, Cryptolog.

    This project aims at studying new properties of groups (similar to pairings, or variants), and then to exploit them in order to achieve more practical e-cash systems.

  • PAMPA: Password Authentication and Methods for Privacy and Anonymity.

    Participants : Michel Ferreira Abdalla, Dario Fiore, David Pointcheval.

    From December 2007 to December 2011.

    Partners: EADS, Cryptolog.

    One of the goals of this project is to improve existing password-based techniques, not only by using a stronger security model but also by integrating one-time passwords (OTP). This could avoid for example having to trust the client machine, which seems hard to guarantee in practice due the existence of numerous viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Another extension of existing techniques is related to group applications, where we want to allow the establishment of secure multicast networks via password authentication. Several problems are specific to this scenario, such as dynamicity, robustness, and the random property of the session key, even in the presence of dishonest participants.

    Finally, the need for authentication is often a concern of service providers and not of users, who are usually more interested in anonymity, in order to protect their privacy. Thus, the second goal of this project is to combine authentication methods with techniques for anonymity in order to address the different concerns of each party. However, anonymity is frequently associated with fraud, without any possible pursuit. Fortunately, cryptography makes it possible to provide conditional anonymity, which can be revoked by a judge whenever necessary. This is the type of anonymity that we will privilege.

  • BEST: Broadcast Encryption for Secure Telecommunications.

    Participants : Duong Hieu Phan, David Pointcheval, Mario Strefler.

    From December 2009 to November 2013.

    Partners: Thales, Nagra, CryptoExperts, Univ Paris 8.

    This project aims at studying broadcast encryption and traitor tracing, with applications to the Pay-TV and geolocalisation services.

  • PRINCE: Proven Resilience against Information leakage in Cryptographic Engineering.

    Participants : Michel Ferreira Abdalla, Bruno Blanchet, Dario Fiore, David Pointcheval.

    From December 2010 to November 2014.

    Partners: UVSQ, Oberthur Technologies, Ingenico, Gemalto, Tranef.

    We aim to undertake research in the field of leakage-resilient cryptography with a practical point of view. Our goal is to design efficient leakage-resilient cryptographic algorithms and invent new countermeasures for non-leakage-resilient cryptographic standards. These outcomes shall realize a provable level of security against side-channel attacks and come with a formally verified implementation. For this every practical aspect of the secure implementation of cryptographic schemes must be taken into account, ranging from the high-level security protocols to the cryptographic algorithms and from these algorithms to their implementation on specific devices which hardware design may feature different leakage models.